Informational messages

12 April, 2018

Notice on the end of put option

JSC KAZMUNAIGAS EXPLORATION PRODUCTION (“Company”) is hereby informing all shareholders about the expiration of the put option right for shareholders to demand the Company to acquire their respective shares.

As announced, an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders (“General meeting”) was held on 12 March 2018, where resolutions on exclusion on a permanent basis (voluntary delisting) of global depositary receipts of the Company from the official list of the London Stock Exchange and exclusion on a permanent basis (voluntary delisting) of ordinary shares and global depositary receipts of the Company from the official list of the Kazakhstan Stock Exchange were duly passed.

In accordance with Clause 27 of the Law on Joint Stock Companies, dated 13 May 2003, the ordinary and/or preferred shareholders who did not attend the General meeting or voted against the delisting resolutions proposed at the General meeting had the right to demand the Company to acquire their respective shares within 30 (thirty) days from the date of the decisions taken at the General meeting. 11 April 2018 is considered to be the end of the period.

Relevant notice is accessible at the following link: 

Therefore, the put option right for shareholders to demand the Company to acquire their respective shares due to the above resolutions passed at the General meeting expired on 11 April 2018.  

Notice on the end of put option (75 Kb) Download